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Cleveland area family + newborn photographer 

what i’ve been up to –

First of all, this might turn into a ramble as I’m sitting in the middle of my kitchen at the built in desk (a la 90’s style) right in the middle of playing children. how is it July already?! Also, LATE July?!! When did this happen? Ugh. I feel like summer just well and truly started, but a mere 4 weeks from now, my older two will be back in school.

my youngest watering our zinnia garden bed, here it was just tiny seedlings. Yes he’s blurry (he sprayed me with that hose lol) – but honestly this is one of my favorite photos I’ve taken all summer.

We’ve spent this summer extremely busy, moving took over and swamped my life in both May & June, but we were so happy to see the back of that shoebox rental we lived in for 2 years. Definitely didn’t let the door hit me on the way out. Declan, my oldest, has been busy at day camp that he really loves. He’s been canoeing, swimming, and living summer to the fullest in the purest sense! We’re still busy organizing and unpacking things here in the new house, but the tide has ebbed a bit and it no longer feels like I’m drowning every day. I’ve also enforced a mandatory sit-down on myself at least once a day. Sometimes you just need that time to scroll your phone or read and let somebody else put out the (hypothetical) fires that come from running a family. Here’s a little peak into my life from some cell phone photos:

Little by little I have found myself really missing my client work, I had to stop taking clients during the move as there was no feasible way to manage both the business and my family. But I’m absolutely ready to come back now, and start documenting again. Give me all the newborn snuggles and toddlers running wild, seriously!

I’ve also spent the last 6 months, and really intensively the last 3 months, working on and overhauling my website & pricing structure. I’m so proud of my new website, it feels more like me. Definitely more authentic and natural, and I feel that it really conveys my style and my approach to photography.

You can see the new website right here –

I’m beginning to book for the fall season already, I’d love to add more families to my current schedule, don’t hesitate to reach out to me!

hugs <3





what i’ve been up to –

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