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First Birthday Cake Smash Photography, Cleveland Ohio – Camden’s Cake Smash

First things first – there is nothing cuter than a freshly-turned-one babe with all the spunk of character and chunky cuteness! I mean, come on. The cute factor of this kiddo is through the roof! Add a smear of frosting and that factor is multiplied by 10 at least.

I love photographing cake smashes, they are always fun, usually hilarious, and I just love how babies really gets into it with all the gusto of discovery indulgence. First birthdays usually equate to trying cake for the first time too, and man oh man it is always worth it to document the expression on baby’s face when they make that discovery!

Camden started off by gently patting the top of his cake, which gradually turned more into smacks! He was smiling and looking at his mom like “is this how I do it?” so adorable. Mom made the decision to help things along by cutting a small slice for him and placing it on top, and after some exploratory pokes, prods, and swipes from Camden, his mom, Jackie, helped him try a small bite, and after that it was full on cake smashing!

Heart eyes all over the place! So cute!

So yeah, give me all the cake smashes. They are fun and they never get old. Such a precious phase of life and a huge milestone all rolled up into one. Love love love.

See the full gallery here

If you want a cake smash documented for your babe – just let me know!

Cake Smash




First Birthday Cake Smash Photography, Cleveland Ohio – Camden’s Cake Smash

  1. Lindsay Willis says:

    Adorable! ❤❤

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